Jenkins Sisters Quartet

The four red-haired Jenkins sisters grew up legends in their small town of Lacey, Florida before building their separate lives. The eldest, Jules spends three months a year in Nigeria working and her months at home buried in her research at the university, while photographer Charity travels the globe wherever her work takes her, and Kat is hard to find off with her disappointing husband.

Serenity, the second eldest, is the only sister happy to stay home. She loves their small beach town and the security of knowing everyone.

Everything changes when baby-sister Kat needs her big sisters. Now they are back home, living on their mother’s property, reconnecting, having small-town fun, keeping even the wine ladies on their toes, and falling in love in four heartwarming novels.

Love in Lacey

Some people believe family is about duty, not love. Those same people disconnect and avoid attachments. Jules Jenkins wants to be one of those people. She’s tried for years to build separation and space in her life, making work and science her priority. When she’s in Lacey surrounded by her boisterous sisters and small-town community, staying detached becomes challenging.

Dalton Boyd has been on his own for years. He travels chasing the dream of professional hockey though the hope of the NHL is starting to fade. When Dalton landed in Florida, he planned to move on again as soon as the season was over. He stumbled into Lacey with his teammates and found a wholesome quirkiness he’d never experienced.

When Dalton meets Jules, he falls hard and discovers he wants the messy chaos of connection and love in this happy beach town. He just has to find a way to convince Jules that she wants it too.

Forever in Lacey

Serenity Jenkins lives a great life in her favorite place. Now that her sisters are (mostly) back in town and reconnecting, she knows she should be happy. Instead, she’s cranky and tired of being stuck in the rut of unrequited love for her best friend and boss.

Spencer Stone owns the restaurant-tavern in small-town Lacey. He’s worked to make a place where his community wants to spend their time when they aren’t enjoying the beach. Regulars come in several times a week for meals, a great game on above the bar and to connect with their neighbors. With his youngest brother finally off to college, Spencer is living alone and on his own schedule for the first time in his life.

He’s unprepared when Serenity changes everything. His best friend is acting erratic at best, distant at worst and while their new dynamic has its charms, he worries it may be too late to get back what they had.

Adventure in Lacey

Charity Jenkins always thought she had a romantic soul. She loves meeting new people, long walks on the beach and flirting. When her sisters and friends start pairing up with their love matches, she’s outwardly happy for them but surprised by her inner reaction. Fear overwhelms her. In the past fear has motivated her to climb mountains, start her freelance photography business, and travel the world. Not this time.

A newcomer to small-town Lacey, Florida, Palmer Reed desires Charity from the first moment he sees her sassy smile. Palmer teaches at the local high school and harbors a dream of a more creative life as a fantasy novelist.

After he convinces Charity to give casual connecting a chance, love follows. He’s willing to step outside his comfortable teacher’s life and chase her wherever she leads. Will his love be a match for her need for independence and adventure?

Family in Lacey

In the heartwarming conclusion of the Jenkins Quartet small-town romance, the youngest of four sisters gets her own chance at finding happy ever after.

Kat Jenkins returned home to small-town Lacey, Florida to escape a failed marriage and get her life back on track. She never considered balancing romance with raising an infant son, going to college, working, and planning for her future.

Lacey newcomer and attorney, Gabe Martinez helps free Kat from her marriage while judging her unconventional choices. Misunderstandings between them continue to ignite sparks. When Gabe realizes he wants more, he’ll have to make the argument of his life in order to join Kat’s little family.